Book 1 in this series introduced our guide book, The Map, to shows us the way. Book 2 gives instructions for finding our unique Path. In this book, we’re going to utilize some tools that will make our journey easier.
Book 3 is The Tools, where the rubber meets the road, our Life’s Work. What steps do we need to take to move toward our best life? It’s great to have a better understanding of who God says we are, uncovering why we are the way we are, but how do we undertake to put that into use on a daily basis? For many of us, there is a vague (maybe for you it is not so vague) knowing that something isn’t quite right, as if we’re not living the life we know we were meant to live. Even if we identify a potential new direction for our lives we often don’t know how to put it into practice.
The Tools is a workbook, full of insightful questions, assessment tests and guidance for putting our unique life into action.

This book is available as a separate product or save 30% and get Discovering Temperaments as a free bonus when you buy the Bundled Set!

The Tools – downloadable PDF for immediate access!   $9.97